

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kasilof and Johnson Lake

We packed up the bikes, the kayak, the toad, the pups and the beast and off we went on a very short drive to Kasilof RV Park in Kasilof.  The drive took us through the Kenai Peninsula Wildlife Refuge, past the Russian River fishing mayhem and just past Solodtna.  After missing the turnoff to the RV park, we had to keep going until we could find a turnoff where we could turn around.  This requires lots of space and unhooking the toad.  We took the first little road which was one lane.  Wouldn't you know it, here comes a car.  I went to the window and the driver said no problem, it happens all the time.  I explained we would be a minute as we need to unhook the car and she said hey you can follow me, this road will take you a short distance and out on the same road.  That sounded like a great idea to us...until....you realize it is all dirt, winding, narrow and seemed to go forever into the backwoods.  I thought I was headed to the sausage factory.  Then viola, onto a two lane paved road and she bid us goodbye and have a nice stay!
This is what my bright red bike looks like after a dirt road

The toad was clean
After a quick spraying off, all was right again in the world.  We headed back to Soldotna (14 miles) to visit Fred Meyer's and grab some groceries.  You can buy anything you want in a Fred Meyer's from Groceries to Gas, Fishing Licenses, camping gear, automotive and clothes.  We ventured over to the camping aisle for mosquito stuff.  Empty!  Not a bug killer in sight.  We asked an employee where we could find bug spray and she replied "Nowhere on the peninsula.  All out."  Hmm, odd, this is Alaska where everyone knows there are mosquito's the size of chikadees.  Wouldn't they always have bug spray?  Reading the paper the next morning the aha moment comes.  Seems the Mosquitos are especially bad this year, so bad even the Alaskans are complaining and spraying up.  http://www.adn.com/2013/06/17/2943159/mosquito-invasion-in-southcentral.html

We will have to ration out the bug stuff we have I guess.  Or maybe I will mix up the natural repellent I use on the dogs and set up a table in the park.  haha.  The park sells these tennis racket things that have bug zappers in the woven part.  They work like a charm, zapping anything that you hit.  We have committed murder just for fun, looking very much like Andre Agassi.  Maybe I'll take a video and post it, we've had lots of laughs with them.  This park is right next to Johnson Lake which recently overflowed and the skeeters are swarmy.  Not complaining, mind you since the view is awesome!
The view from the front windshield
This park is in moose country.  We watched a couple of movies on Monday afternoon and when I opened the front curtains when we were done, I saw this....
The moose is loose!
We just sat and watched her for awhile wander up and down the side of the road and into the lake swampy area.  She went behind the trees and we lost sight of her.  In those same trees are a pair of nesting eagles we can see flying around.  They are awesome!  I can't get a good photo with my iphone so the memory is in our heads.  This is a really nice place.  Eric took Mowgli out on the kayak today and he had fun licking the water lilies.  Gidget and I will join them tomorrow.

Let's talk about the weather shall we?  Remember I complained about the late snow and how this year set records for the latest ice breakup?  All my lake pictures on the way up were all iced over?  Well it is official-Alaska has broken their high temperature records this week.  NBC news had an article today about Ice to Fire-Alaska weather.  The Anchorage Daily news reported that Talkeetna had a high of 94 and records were set in the coastal areas with 74 in Homer.  The all time record in Anchorage was 86.  It was only 81.  The folks here are roasting with no air conditioning.  The stores are out of fans in addition to the bug repellents.  All in all, we've had a lot of fun even with the snow, ice, sweltering temps, bug swarms and earthquakes.

We took a ride to Kenai yesterday and ended up booking a week at a park there for our return from Homer in August.  We got out of the car and the cool ocean air hit us and ahhh!  This is nice!  We found a nice little restaurant nearby that serves lunch only with yummy sandwiches, salads, quiches and soups.  We made a pact to eat there a few times, but only when we ride our bikes or walk over.  I really wanted the croissant bread pudding with amaretto caramel sauce, but I was too full.  I've been yearning ever since.  Friday night is the summer solstice celebration in Kanai, maybe I can con a stop there before they close on the way to the festival.  

This little bird followed us around on our walk.  Must be the bugs we are zapping!

The clouds are coming!
This morning I awoke to the little pitter pat of sprinkles on the roof.  The hot spell is over and the cool breezes felt great!  A lazy day for me, just goofing off.  Eric got some exercise on the lake, I worked on my cross stitch and enjoyed a day with no air conditioning.


  1. Have been watching the "fire to ice" reports on TV here. Who says there's no global warming ... the evidence is everywhere around the world. Our first trip to Alaska was in June 2001 ... we had lovely weather ... unusually warm we were told, but nowhere near the temps the news is reporting this year.

  2. The weather patterns have certainly changed in the last few years. The cool down is here in this area with overcast skies. We'll take it!
