

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wow! Where did the month go?

Pacific Shores Motorcoach Resort
temps:48, mostly sunny
Newport, Oregon

I can not believe the month of January is almost over!  We have been just kicking around and chilling out!  After the cruise in November, the Holidays and our stint at counting whales as they headed south, we have just settled into a routine.

Depending on the weather, most days we head to one of the nearby beaches.  The photos below are from Beverly Beach which is just a few miles north of us.
Rainbow bubbles

Low tide at Beverly Beach

The highway above the inlet

Look at the size of this stump
The Central Oregon Coast offers so many things to do with hikes in the coastal range and walks along the beaches.  We met some folks that love to hunt for agates along the beaches so we tagged along a few times to learn the ins and outs of agate hunting.  We learned that you must stand facing the sun so the rocks shine and glitter and you better stay out of someones shadow!  To be an official Oregonian, I believe you must have at least two white paint buckets full of agates in your garage.  Everyone has them and they hunt for more.  We have not found the elusive large agates yet, but have collected a small dish full of little bitty ones.  These are size of my pinkie nail.  Since storage is a problem and I do not have space for buckets of agates, I am content with the small ones and I just enjoy the long walks on the beach!

Roger is showing Eric what to look for

The agate hunting position demonstrated by Eric and Roger

A seagull enjoying the almost sunset
We had one really big storm come in with wind gusts of 64.  We pulled the slides in, brought down the satellite dish and waited it out.  No harm came to anything and it made the Beast very cozy for the two nights it lasted.  What to do when the wind is howling?  Head to the lighthouse to experience the wind of course!

Cape Perpetua is located south of Newport and is a beautiful spot for a hike and whale watching.  There is a rock shelter built right on the edge overlooking the Pacific.  Look how cool this is:

Happy Hour Sunset from Cafe Adobe

Mowgli and Gidget love their walks on the beach and I have been working with Gidget on sticking close and coming back.  She is doing well as long as she knows I have treats.

And of course, after the fun in the sand, a bath is in order
We are really enjoying our time here and are so glad we decided to rest a bit.  Although we are not on the road, we are still having fun exploring in this area.  The weather has been wonderful with a couple of days in the low 60's.  Most days are sunny and have allowed for chores like washing the beast and car, a more gardening.
Our Vagabond 

Bonsai Garden

Always something to do

The pups love to visit the guard shack since they always get a treat
We took a little ride to Portland one day and saw lots of squadrons of geese flying overhead.  For desert rats like us, it was something we didn't see often and warranted a photo…(besides, look how cool the sky looked!)

And to sum up the month of January-Look at these beautiful Sunsets!  I never get tired of snapping photos of them as most nights they are amazing!

Pacific Shores Motorcoach Resort dog park

Seal Rock


Pacific Shores Motorcoach Resort


  1. This one area we have not explored. When we come back there we might just stay on this resort. Would you recommend it?
    Im sure you are enjoying every bit of those lovely Pacific Coast sunsets.

    1. Yes, we would recommend Pacific Shores. It has great amenities and the views on a lot of the sites are amazing! Would look forward to meeting you if we are here at the same time!
